藍色交響曲 - 巴黎鐵塔 , 1979 油畫 畫布 138.5*83.5 cm ; Blue Symphony - Eiffel Tower , Oil on Canvas 藍色交響曲 - 夢幻巴黎 , 1979 油畫 畫布 138.5*83.5 cm ; Blue Symphony - Dream of Paris, Oil on Canvas 鐵橋風景 , 1974 油畫 畫布 90.3*61 cm ; Iron Bridge , Oil on Canvas 河畔風光 I , 1976 -82 油畫 畫布 88*117 cm ; River Bank , Oil on Canvas 藍色交響曲 - 夢幻山水, 1978 油畫 畫布 83.5*138.5 cm ; Blue Symphony - Fantasy Landscape , Oil on Canvas

鐵橋系列 - 鐵橋下 , 1970 油畫 纖維板 61*91 cm ; Iron Bridge - Under the Iron Bridge , Oil on Board 鐵橋系列 - 星河 ,1971 油畫 纖維板 61*91 cm ; Iron Bridge - Star River , Oil on Board 鐵橋系列 - 港灣 1971 油畫 纖維板 61*91 cm ; Iron Bridge - Harbor , Oil on Board 鐵橋系列 - 嘉年華會 ,1971 油畫 纖維板 61*91 cm ; Iron Bridge - Revolving , Oil on Board 鐵橋系列 - 藍色港灣 1971 油畫 畫布 61*91 cm ; Iron Bridge - Blue Harbor , Oil on Canvas

街景 ,1971 油畫 纖維板 61*91 cm ; Street View, Oil on Board 黃山系列 2 , 1997 油畫 畫布 53*72.5 cm ; Huangshan Series 2 , Oil on Canvas 黃山系列1 , 1997 油畫 畫布 53*72.5 cm ; Huangshan Series 1 , Oil on Canvas    

蔡雲程 Chua Hu

華裔菲律賓籍 1929 - 2009
蔡雲程1929年生於中國福建晉江,因祖先書香傳家的淵源,在幼童時期就對於藝術產生了濃厚的興趣.十年之後到菲律賓定居下來,他的藝術並沒有受到當地文 化與環境的影響,在二次世界大戰衝擊下,藝術發展在此時降至最低點,蔡雲程又開始轉向中國藝術的創作.
蔡雲程已將東方詩意和傳統精神與西方現代繪畫融合為期目標,話題軍在他所身處熟悉的城市打轉,蔡雲程運用了藍色為主題的油畫創作,創立了藍色畫派 ,將藍色分成七種色度來代替中國水墨(墨分五色),奠定了蔡雲程藍色交響曲與藍色組曲的風格.而另一重要創作鐵橋系列,是將對比的色彩以活潑有力,具 有爆炸的線條構成,強烈的表現他週遭的景緻,街道,廣告,牌樓等....
蔡雲程是天生的風景畫家,他同時揉合了西方繪畫技巧和中國古典藝術訓練,在一談上締造了許多輝煌的成績,最令世界畫壇矚目的是1990年,他在美國榮獲愛 因斯坦學術基金會和平大獎.這項大獎一像是頒發給政治或宗教的領袖,直到頒發給蔡雲程才突然破例,當時轟動了國際藝壇.1992年獲得英國劍橋國際名人傳 記成就獎,是全球少數獲獎的畫家.1996年,再法國四百年國慶舉辦的魯本斯國際藝術節(百年一屆)中,成為唯一獲獎的華人藝術家...這些輝煌的成就, 都可證明蔡雲程再話人藝術世界中不可取代的地位.因此已故畫家劉其偉Liu Max 讚嘆蔡雲程的成就,在國內是不可多見的.如今蔡雲程逝世,他對藝術的熱情與堅持,並不會被市人所遺忘,他所創作的作品,都留與後人無限追思與懷想.
Tsai Yun Cheng was born in Fujian China at 1929, because of his scholarly family; he had cultivated a strong interest in fine arts. He had settled down to Philippines ten years later, his painting however, was not affected by the local culture and the environment. On the contrary, because of World War II, the artistic development had dropped to the bottom; at this point Tsai naturally turned to his root and asked for Chinese art inspiration.
Tsai had his goal of combining the eastern poetic sentiment and the traditional spirit with the west modern painting. He abstracted blue from all colours as his motif and created the poetic blue period of his extraordinary composing journey. He had his creation divided into different phases: the blue phase, which was differentiated into seven kind of blue tones to replace the black five hues of the Chinese water ink. Another important phase is the iron bridge series: by using the dazzling and surreal colour to construct the vividly, powerful and fiercely lines, the streets, the advertisements, and the decorative archways was displayed obviously.
Tsai was an inborn landscape painter; he fused together the west pictorial skill and the Chinese classical art training simultaneously. He was highly praised by the western art commentators and had obtained various influential awards, such as in 1990 the Albert Einstein international Academy Foundation awarded Mr. Chua Hu its Peace Award for appreciating his achievement, he become the first creative artist to receive this award. In 1992, after a series of through evaluations the International Celebrity Biography Centre in Cambridge, England selected him as one of the most representative artists of the 20th century. And in 1996 he was the only Chinese artist who was award Centre Aire Pater Paul Rubens International Festival in France, which hold only once every century. No wander our very treasuries senior painter Liu Max ever admired: ‘Tsai had the accomplishment that no other domestic painter could achieve’.


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