新橋(巴黎) , 油畫 畫布 45.5 x 38 cm ; Pont Neuf (Paris) , Oil on Canvas        

大久保泰 Ohkubo Tai

1905 - 1989
出生於愛知縣。 早稻田大學畢業。 師從山本鼎,1931年留學歐洲。 回國後在國畫會展和春陽會展上展出。 自1939年以來,他在獨立展覽中展出,並以“裸女”獲得岡田獎。 擅長風景畫。
Born in Aichi Prefecture. Graduated from Waseda University. Studied under Din Yamamoto and studied in Europe in 1931. After returning to China, he exhibited at the Chinese Painting Exhibition and the Chunyang Exhibition. Since 1939 he has exhibited in independent exhibitions and won the Okada Prize for his Nude Woman. He specialises in landscape painting.

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