盧森堡花園露台, 油畫 畫布 50 x 60.5 cm ; Luxembourg Garden Terrace, Oil on Canvas 萊斯科尼的下午(布列塔尼), 油畫 畫布 45.5 x 53 cm ; Afternoon of Lescorny (Brittany) , Oil on Canvas      

藤本東一良 Fujimoto Toichiryo

Born in Shizuoka Prefecture. Graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Tokyo Academy of Fine Arts. In 1993, won the 49th Japan Academy of Fine Arts Award, and his work \"Eucalyptus on the Observatory\" won an award at the 25th Nitten Exhibition and won the Imperial Award. Academician of Japan Academy of Fine Arts, consultant of Nitten Exhibition. The brush strokes are soft and the colors are vibrant.

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