湯沢 , 油畫 畫布 72.5 x 90.6 cm ; Yuzawa , Oil on Canvas 阿蘇山之春 , 油畫 畫布 45.5 x 53cm ; Mt. Aso in Spring , Oil on Canvas 潮來 , 油畫 畫布 45.5 x 53cm ; Tidal wave , Oil on Canvas 早春的西伊豆(安樂里) , 油畫 畫布 45.5 x 53cm ; Nishi-Izu in early spring (Yasuragi) , Oil on Canvas 木崎湖之秋 , 油畫 畫布 45.3 x 53cm ; Autumn at Lake Kizaki , Oil on Canvas

愛宕山腳下, 油畫 畫布 45 x 52.5 cm ; Atago mountain foot , Oil on Canvas 木曾駒和天龍川 , 油畫 畫布 45.5 x 53 cm ; Kiso Koma and Tenryu River , Oil on Canvas 房州的春天 , 油畫 畫布 45.5 x 53 cm ; Spring in Awa country, Oil on Canvas 伊豆山 , 油畫 畫布 45.5x53cm ; Izu Mount, Oil on Canvas 木曾路 , 油畫 畫布 38 x 45.5 cm ; Kisoji , Oil on Canvas

淺野湖的風景 , 油畫 畫布 36.5 x 44cm ; Scenery of Lake Asano , Oil on Canvas 相模湖 , 油畫 畫布 38 x 45.5 cm ; Sagami Lake , Oil on Canvas 早春 , 油畫 畫布 38 x 45.5 cm ; Spring , Oil on Canvas 木曽の上松 , 油畫 畫布 38x45.5 cm ; Agematsu in Kiso , Oil on Canvas 浜名湖的秋天 , 油畫 畫布 38x45.5 cm ; Autumn in Lake Hamana , Oil on Canvas

妙義山山下 , 油畫 畫布 38 x 45.5 cm ;At the foot of Myo Yishan Mountain , Oil on Canvas 奈良公園 , 油畫 畫布 38 x 45.5 cm ; Nara Park , Oil on Canvas 木曽駒的山腳 , 油畫 畫布 38x45.5 cm ; Kiso Koma Foothills , Oil on Canvas 早春的三浦半島 , 油畫 畫布 37.9×45.5 cm ; The Miura Peninsula in early spring , Oil on Canvas 佐久間大壩 , 油畫 畫布 27.3 x 21.1 cm ; Sakuma Dam , Oil on Canvas

中村琢二 Nakamura Takuji

日本 1897-1988
出生於新潟縣佐渡縣(現在的佐渡市)相川町,是採礦工程師中村啟二郎的第二個兒子,後來成為住友總部的首席採礦工程師,啟二郎當時工作的佐渡金礦就在這裡。1899年,他搬到了愛媛縣的新濱,從1906年起,他在福岡縣由祖父母撫養長大。在進入舊的手鞠中學(現在的福岡縣手鞠中學)後,他轉到了福岡縣的初級中學Shuyukan。 1916年,他進入第五中學理科,想繼承父親的事業,但因健康原因退學,進入第六中學英國法律系,1924年畢業於東京帝國大學經濟系。
1928年,在從法國留學歸來的哥哥健一的建議下,他決定成為一名畫家,1930年,他的畫作《財茂齋風景》首次被第17屆二科會展覽接受。 1938年,他在第二屆一水會展覽會上展出了《母與子》等作品,並獲得岩倉國光獎;1939年,他在第三屆一水會展覽會上展出了《波萊羅女人》等作品,並獲得一水會獎;1941年,他的作品被選入第四屆教育部藝術展(新文天)。 1941年,他的作品《Onna Guraku》在第四屆文房四寶藝術展(Shinbunten)上獲得了特別獎。
1942年,他成為一水會會員,1946年成為委員會成員;1953年,他以《持扇女子》獲得教育部長表演藝術鼓勵獎,該作品在第15屆一水會展覽上展出;1962年,他以《藝術室中的女子》獲得第5屆日本藝術展(Nitten)教育部長獎;1963年,他以該作品獲得教育部長獎,以《男子形象》獲得第24屆一水會展覽,兩幅作品同時展出。 1963年,他因同一作品獲得日本藝術學院獎,並因《一個人的肖像》獲得第24屆一水會展覽。

Japanese 1897 - 1988
Born in Aikawa-cho, Sado County (now Sado City), Niigata Prefecture, the second son of Keijiro Nakamura, a mining engineer and later chief mining engineer at Sumitomos headquarters, where the Sado gold mine where Keijiro worked at the time was located. In 1899, he moved to Niihama, Ehime Prefecture, and from 1906, he was brought up by his grandparents in Fukuoka Prefecture. After entering the old Totsukku Junior High School (now Totsukku High School in Fukuoka Prefecture), he transferred to Shuyukan, a junior high school in Fukuoka Prefecture. In 1916, he entered the fifth high school science department to follow in his fathers footsteps, but dropped out for health reasons and entered the sixth high school English law department, graduating from the Faculty of Economics at Tokyo Imperial University in 1924.
In 1928, on the advice of his elder brother Kenichi, who had returned from his studies in France, he decided to become a painter, and in 1930 his painting Zaimokuza Landscape was accepted for the first time at the 17th Nika-kai exhibition. In 1938, he exhibited Mother and Child and other works at the 2nd Issuikai Exhibition, for which he received the Iwakura Gukata Prize; in 1939, he exhibited Bolero Woman and other works at the 3rd Issuikai Exhibition, for which he received the Issuikai Prize; in 1941, his work was selected for the 4th Ministry of Education Art Exhibition (Shinbunten). In 1941, his work Onna Guraku was awarded a special prize at the 4th Bunbunsho Art Exhibition (Shinbunten).

In 1942, he became a member of the Issuikai and in 1946, a member of its committee; in 1953, he received the Minister of Educations Performing Arts Encouragement Prize for Woman with Fan, which he exhibited at the 15th Issuikai Exhibition; in 1962, he received the Minister of Education Prize at the 5th Japan Art Exhibition (Nitten) for Woman in an Art Room; and in 1963, he received the Minister of Educations Prize for this work and the 24th Issuikai Exhibition for The Figure of a Man, both of which were exhibited at the same time. In 1963, he was awarded the Japan Art Academy Prize for the same work, as well as the 24th Issuikai Exhibition for Portrait of a Man.

In 1965, he was awarded the Medal with Dark Blue Ribbon. He became a Nitten councillor in 1973, a member of the Nitten in 1980, a member of the Japan Art Academy in 1981, and an advisor to the Nitten in 1982.
He mainly painted landscapes and portraits, showing a gentle style using neutral colours, clear composition and a light touch.


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