奈良公園 , 油畫 畫布 38 x 45.5 cm ; Nara Park , Oil on Canvas 奈良公園新綠 , 油畫 畫布 60.5×72.5 cm ; Nara Park, fresh greenery , Oil on Canvas      


日本 1881-1966
1881年生於東京根岸區御印殿前裝裱工匠世家,1904年畢業於東京美術學校西洋畫系師從黑田清輝。在東京外國語學校和行成中學學習法語,1905年移居巴黎,先在拉斐爾-科林手下學習,後在費爾南-科蒙(1845-1924)手下的國立美術學校學習。他在費爾南-考蒙(1845-1924)的指導下學習。曾在早期文展展上獲獎,1914年與石井柏亭等人共同創立二科會,並作為執行官積極活動。 他還對修復繪畫產生了濃厚的興趣,在他第一次和第二次訪問法國期間,他在法國修復了東方繪畫。 由於他的成就,他於 1932 年被法國政府授予法國榮譽軍團勳章。 1935年退會,成為帝國美術學院院士,1937年成為一水會會員。 獲建國三十週年文化功勳獎。 他是《油畫科學》的作者。

Japanese 1881-1966
Member of Yishuihui and consultant of Nitten. Born in 1881 in a family of framers in front of the Goyinden in Negishi District, Tokyo, he studied under Seiki Kuroda at the Tokyo Academy of Fine Arts. Later, he went to France to learn from Raphael Colin and Fernando Cormon. During his stay in Europe, he devoted himself to Velázquez and Renoir and was influenced by them. Won an award at an early literary exhibition. In 1914, he co-founded the Second Science Association with Ishii Baiting and others, and was active as an executive officer. He also developed a keen interest in restoring paintings, where he restored oriental paintings during his first and second visits to France. For his achievements, he was awarded the Legion of Honor by the French government in 1932. Withdrew in 1935 and became a member of the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts, and a member of the Yishuihui in 1937. Received the Cultural Merit Award for the 30th Anniversary of the Founding of the People\'s Republic of China. He is the author of The Science of Oil Painting.

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