如意 , 1963 銅雕 63*82*40cm ; As Your Wishes , Bronze        

楊英風 Yang Yuyu

台灣 1926 - 1997
生於台灣宜蘭縣,曾進修於日本東京美術學校建築系,北平輔仁大學美術系及國立台灣師範大學藝術系,其後又習雕塑於義大利羅馬藝術學院。 1964 至1966年間於義大利各大城市舉辦巡迴個展。1966年曾獲義大利奧林匹克繪畫金章獎及雕塑銀章獎。其後又獲頒第二屆世界和平文化藝術大獎。1991年應新加坡之邀作個人展覽。

Taiwanese, 1926-1997

Born in I-lan, Taiwan. Yang studied architecture at the Tokyo Art School in Japan, fine arts at Fu Jen University in Beijing, and sculpture at the National Academy of Art in Rome. During 1964-1966, he held exhibitions in major cities in Italy and was awarded the gold metal in painting and a silver medal in sculpture at the Olimpiadi d\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Arte e Cultura Abano Terme in 1966. He was also awarded the World Peace Prize for Culture and Arts by the Roc\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Literature and Arts Society. In 1991 Yang held a Stainless Steel Sculpture Exhibition in the National Museum of Singapore.

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